Yoga Teacher Training in London

9th SYS Teacher Training with Cat & Phil

Sangyé Yoga School: Awakening Student Teacher Training 

This training is for students who wish to deepen their understanding of the yoga practice as it relates to life in a closely mentored program. The duration of the training is spread out over 4 months. The training is suitable for students who are looking to transition into the role of a teacher, as well as those who may wish to simply deepen their own yoga/yoga as it relates to life practice.

Previous years have attracted students from the UK, Europe, USA and beyond. Out of town students must be able to commit to adding days either side of modules to complete in person practice requirement with cat. The training has reached capacity most years; therefore, applying in advance is encouraged.

This 200hr (300+hr with independent study required) course presents a foundation in yoga principles with a strong emphasis on vinyasa. Trainees are expected to maintain a daily meditation and a consistent asana practice during the training. A set sequence will be provided approximately 1 month prior to the first module and students will be expected to self-practice this sequence approximately 3x per week and know it by the first module. Developing a self-practice, identifying and overcoming challenges are an important step in the teacher trainee’s ability to teach and ultimately communicate with experiential insight and precision.

The course will include the following areas of study:
–   Asana, bandha, drishti
–   Applied anatomy
–   Mechanics of fundamental assists
–   Philosophy
–   Pranayama
–   Meditation
–   Teaching methodology
–   Ethics drawn from the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva (Tibetan Buddhist)
(It is not necessary to read this text prior to the training.)


The course will run over a period of 4 months, beginning July 24 & physically culminating on October 27th. Pre-course work will be provided on/around June 24th as preparation and to be completed for upcoming modules.

module 1: 24 – 28 July (5 days)
module 2: 16 – 18 August (3 days)
module 3: 30 August – 1 September (3 days)
module 4: 20-22 September (3 days)
module 5: 11-13 October (3 days)
module 6: 23-27 October (5 days)
+ ONLINE post-module: (tbc) November
Typical timings will be 9:30am-5:30pm


All dates will be held at Sangyé Yoga School, 300 Kensal Rd, London, W10 5BE

Sangyé Yoga School will endeavour to deliver all modules in person except for module 7 which will be an online offering.


At the end of the course, it is expected that you will have the tools & techniques to:

– teach a solid vinyasa class
– formulate talks to enhance students’ understanding and application of Yoga philosophy
– teach and incorporate simple meditation and breathing techniques in class
– develop and refine personal asana and seated concentration practice

  • be knowledgeable in vinyasa yoga framework and components
  • learn the art of observation and assists within an asana practice
  • become knowledgeable about the foundation and philosophy of Yoga
  • have a foundation in the schools of Tibetan Buddhism
  • contemplate and apply ethical conducts (according to The 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva)
  • learn Sanskrit names for asanas contained within the sequence and know correct pronunciation of select sutras/chants
  • overcome some fears and see your potential…to give way to inner confidence as a student, teacher and most importantly a human being


Practitioners are expected to have a minimum 3 years of a strong yoga practice before they can be considered and possibly accepted onto this teacher training course. The following postures should be well established and will be the basis for assessments: surya namaskar components, paschimottanasana, urdvha dhanurasana & salamba sirsasana.

It is also helpful for students to have a basic understanding of yoga through the required reading list. This should include the importance of a compassionate diet and the ethical conduct as outlined by the yama/niyamas – albeit they may not have a deep knowledge of this when they initially enrol onto the course. Once weekly attendance of classes taught by cat is expected over the course of the training dates. This is to be able to check in with the trainee’s practice on a regular basis and to also become familiar with sequencing by direct experience. The tt is responsible for ensuring that the required number is met by the end of the course in order to pass (approximately 14 inclusive of modules). As to be expected, the more classes attended, the greater depth of experience during tt. Your attendance in class during this period will shift in experience, from a teaching perspective. The more exposure, in person, the more absorbed.

The 200 hour course is meant to serve as an introduction to the path as a more conscious student and/or teacher. We strongly believe that self-discipline, continuous study, application over a lengthy period of time, beyond the training, is an integral part in the trainee’s overall development as both a student and a teacher. TT will merely be the “tip of the iceberg”.

Successful applicants should be in good health and have stable personal circumstances to complete this course with the focus and dedication it requires. Please think seriously about the commitment involved in undertaking this course and ensure you can attend the dates, fulfil the assignments and requirements on top of your current responsibilities/lifestyle. Feel free to speak to several tt alumnae to get their perspective. Let us know if you have specific questions you wish to explore and we can connect you over email with the appropriate alumnae.


Please email to register your interest and receive the application form: [email protected]

Applicants will also be asked to submit two reference forms:
1. current yoga teacher or main teacher of 2+ years
2. personal reference

Application fee: £30 (if accepted, will be applied to tuition; if not, will be donated to charity)
The application fee covers: review of completed application, practice assessment (does not include class fee), 15-20min interview

1stReview all requirements to ensure eligibility is met and that course dates work with your 2024 availability (no more than 3 days during the entire course can be missed)
2ndRequest the application/reference forms. Confirm that the required number of exploratory classes attended have been met (if not a regular student at SYS/cat) before submitting completed forms.
3rdSubmit all forms and while awaiting practice assessment/interview date, we strongly advise interviewing past teacher trainees about their experience. We can provide introductions and contact information, if needed.

If you are keen, we suggest that applicants avoid waiting until the last minute to enquire about requirements and perhaps even get a head start on reading materials/essay. Time to prepare is extremely valuable and would enhance the learning experience.


All applicants must have attended an absolute minimum of 3 classes with cat before submitting an application form (no exceptions). After submitting the application form, prospective trainees will be required to attend class for an assessment, to better understand their asana practice and to best assess whether suitable to participate in this tt. Please email to pre-register for the class and also to confirm availability for an interview afterwards – applications must be received one week prior + practice assessment must happen before interview.


Before the Course:

  • Informal interview/assessment of practice after submission of application form
  • Essays – 1 submitted after application approval and invited to particpate: CHOOSE A SUTRA or VERSE. MAX 1,500 words (could be less) written on either a sutra in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Chapters 1 or 2), Swami Satchidananda translation OR a verse from The Dhammapada translation/commentary by Eknath Easwaran. It is due before the start of the course, no later than the first module.
  • Completion of anatomy modules (online) & pre-course reading

During the Course:

  • Attendance log for classes, meditation, journal keeping
  • Teaching development – trainees will be assessed on their ability of teaching a led class, including safe and foundational adjustments (assists)
  • Practice development – students will be assessed on their own practice/development in the set sequence provided
  • Mid-term and final written assessment


Students should attend a minimum of 90% of the course to complete. Should students miss more than this minimum, they will need to agree with the teacher on which modules to re-take. Additional fees will apply for any catch up modules that would require scheduling a private session.

There is a time limit (once the course finishes) to complete: 14 days – exceptions for family emergencies, health reasons, etc. Extensions may be granted if the student is unable to complete the requirements due to unforeseen circumstances.

Students are expected to maintain an asana practice of 4-5 days a week for the duration of the training (1x week in a class environment with cat and 2-3x self-practise on the sequence provided). In addition to the asana practice, students are expected to maintain a daily (seated) meditation practice.


The course will provide a printed workbook/manual. Additional reading material will be provided during the course. Students are expected to read the two books required to write an essay before the start of the course. These books will need to be purchased separately and are not included in the cost of tuition.


This training school has met the stringent requirements set by Yoga Alliance Professionals, demonstrating that the course is of the highest standard and that our graduates may use the title ‘Registered Yoga Teacher’ RYT as a sign of quality training when they register themselves with Yoga Alliance Professionals.’ Cat Alip-Douglas & Phil Douglas are registered as Senior Yoga Teachers with Yoga Alliance Professionals.


After your application has been reviewed and you receive an invitation to join the course, a non-returnable deposit of £500 is necessary to secure a place and should be paid at the time of the booking. The invitation will be valid for 14 days from receipt. The full fee must be paid by 24th June 2024 (one month prior), unless alternative payment options discussed, in advance, with SYS.

Applications will be taken on a ‘first come first served’ basis and students who have paid their deposit will have priority over those who have not. We reserve the right to refuse a place to students who have not paid their deposit or full fees by the required date. The fees must be paid in full and any private sessions paid for before a graduation certificate will be issued.


– Training and assessment by a qualified Yoga Alliance Professionals Senior Yoga Teacher
– A manual and other appropriate manuals/paperwork
– Anatomy Course registration
– Specialist Guest Teachers
– Teacher trainees will receive a 20% discount on drop-ins & multi class packs at Sangyé Yoga School for the duration of the training. Excludes unlimited’s and not to be used in conjunction with any other discount
– A potentially life changing experience…

Not included:
– This is not a residential course; therefore, accommodations, meals etc are not covered.
– Classes, workshops at Sangyé Yoga School. However, a discount for classes and workshops will be offered to teacher trainees. See above.
– Insurance: RECOMMENDED by start of course (you can purchase this from Yoga Alliance Professionals from £25).
– A certificate (paying the fees does not guarantee you a certificate as you will need to successfully pass all assignments and attend a minimum of 90% the course).
– Books from the reading list.


Course investment: £4200
Please email if you need to discuss a payment plan. SYS is amenable to making this work for you financially, within reason. Full tuition would have to be paid no later than the last module.


To secure your space a non-returnable deposit of £500 is required upon booking. The balance is due before the 24th June. Payments may be made by cash, cheque or direct bank transfer. Alternatively, you can pay with debit or credit card (fees apply).

These costs include all tuition, a manual as well as final exam classes and your teaching diploma. In addition you will need to purchase the books listed on the reading list.


The full amount must be paid before the 24th of June (one month prior). No refunds will be given after the start of the course. The initial deposit is non-refundable.

Course leader reserves the right to cancel the course in advance if a minimum number of students are not registered.


For more information & further enquiries- please email: [email protected]



SYS TT 2023

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SYS TT 2016